Sunday, April 12, 2009

What is the Bread of Life Distribution all about?

This month, our emphasis is on service... both on serving and in training the next generation to serve. What better way is there for us to learn about service than by actually SERVING?

On Friday, we will have our time of elder instruction and discussion. Then we will enjoy refreshments and fellowship as we put together gift bags for members of our community. We will also pray for those who will be receiving the packets... that God would perform His mighty acts through our meager acts of service.

What is in these packets?
A yummy loaf of bread, an attractive invitation to our church, a tract with the Gospel message, and a letter from Pastor introducing them to Jesus, our Bread of Life.

Who will receive them?
Select residential streets in close proximity to the church have been selected for the sake of ease in distributing them. However, if you would like to take some for your neighbors, you have that option.

Are we going to try to try to convince the recipients to come to our church?
No. That is going to be God's work. We are simply going to give them a gift from Calvary with no strings attached. We hope that the items in the packet would draw seekers to our church, but it is not our purpose to engage people in lengthy conversation or convince them of anything.

Are children welcome to join us on the distribution day?
YES! This is terrific practice for them to see just how simple outreach can be. They will witness an invitation, a gift, a word... and the thrill of watching God do His work through clay vessels.

We really want to participate but won't be available on Saturday from 3-4:30.
That is ok! Let us know and you can pick up the number of packets you would like to deliver at your convenience that weekend. Just do so by Sunday as we want the bread to be fresh and yummy!

Please RSVP soon if you have not signed up. We are in the process of ordering all supplies. You can email us or sign up at church in the foyer. See you Friday!


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  3. Remember, this exciting evening is designed to be a time of instruction and sharing through discussion for the ENTIRE church family. It is not limited to parents with children, lest you be deceived by the theme title. Lets come together and learn about what the Bible teaches about service - why we serve and how we can serve Him. Of course, these are important Biblical concepts to consider as we train the next generation to serve Him from their pure, undefiled hearts...hearts that seek no earthly reward for serving...hearts that desire only to experience joy in the ACT of self-less service! All of us in the church body can play a vital role in this regard.

    REMEMBER...please sign up in the foyer or, preferably, email Cyndi and me or call so that we can make necessary preparations.
