Monday, November 30, 2009

A reminder to live as families who are faithful to Christ in the last days...

Malachi 4

The Day of the LORD 1 "Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire," says the LORD Almighty. "Not a root or a branch will be left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. 3 Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things," says the LORD Almighty.
4 "Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel.
5 "See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's been a great year!

This year, CBC launched the Family Discipleship Ministry. Since March, we have had biblical instruction and discussion on topics such as, "The Biblical Role of Family Members", "Training our Children to Serve", "Family Devotions", "Crafting a Biblical Vision for our Families", "Navigating the World's Culture", and "Family Worship". Praise the Lord for His work in the lives of our families, and for His wonderful Word which illumines our way.

Our activity time has included such events as game night, distribution of love packets to our community, Scripture treasure hunt, regressive dinner, and a movie night. Young and "not so young" enjoyed our bond in Christ as His family.

The Family Discipleship Ministry will resume in January. May God draw us all closer to one another, as we draw nearer and nearer to Him.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Last Family Night of '09!!!

Don't miss it!
We will end just as we started...

Family Game Night
Bring along your favorite game and a snack to share... and let's have fun as a church family!
Elder Instruction * Discussion * Snacks * Game Time

Friday, October 30, 2009

Time Changer
October 30th, 2009

Calvary Bible Church, 7:00 P.M.

View Trailer
More Information

Movie Night FAQ

1.Why are we being asked to bring along our own seating?
The usual folding chairs will be available for use in the gym, but we thought that you might appreciate the option of bringing along something a little more comfortable. We suggest your favorite lawn chairs, bean-bag chairs, or even a blanket for the little guys.

2.What is the schedule for the evening?
We will begin with a 15-minute time of elder-led instruction (Robert Lowrie). At 7:30 we will begin the "Time Changer" movie. It will end around 9:20 P.M. A very brief discussion time will follow the movie. Our event should end by 9:30 P.M.

3. Is the church seeking to make a profit on the sale of the DVD's?
No. We will not benefit financially from the sale of the DVD's.

FYI: Although there is no cost to those of us who are attending the movie, as a church we did have to pay a fee to the producer for permission to show the film publically. However, by offering the DVD's for sale, the producer is allowing us to show the movie for half of the usual charge... even if we don't sell any.

4. What is included in the 4-Film Bundle?
If you purchase the film, "Time Changer", you recieve 3 other Rich Christiano films free. They are, "End of the Harvest", "The Appointment", and "Second Glance".

DeLorme Family Review: Like "Time Changer", these films are also biblically sound and family friendly. However, they were created in the late 80's and early 90's and do reflect the styles, music, and technology of that time. This is a bit distracting, in our opinion.

We preferred, "Unidentified" which followed "Time Changer". It is NOT included in the 4-Film Bundle but is available for order ($10). It is like "Time Changer" in quality and is excellently produced.

5. FYI: Rich Christiano has a movie that is currently out in theaters..."The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry". We have not seen it, but others who have seen it have told us that it is also excellent!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Our Next Event: Movie Night

We are looking forward to another great night together!

Elder Instruction: Robert Lowrie
"Navigating our Culture: In the world, but not of it"
Movie: Time Changer

Read all about "Time Changer" here
View the movie trailer here

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Regressive Dinner

Family Discipleship Ministries
Invites you, your family and friends to the:
Regressive Dinner
Friday, August 21st
6:00-8:30 PM

Come enjoy the fellowship of our church family as we work our way through a few courses of dinner in a most unusual way.

Participate in a time of instruction and discussion as we consider the godly benefits of Crafting a Family Vision.

Discover the common thematic thread that can be applied to the process of leading your family with a godly vision… from eating your dinner in reverse order.

Invite your friends, bring your family, sign up and come!

If you are willing to host one course of dinner, please contact Cyndi DeLorme.
Please pick up an informational hosting flier at the sign-up table.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Flock BBQ Cancelled

Attention: The flock BBQ scheduled for tonight has been cancelled due to rain. Stay tuned for information regarding rescheduling.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Directions to Brodhead Park

Need directions to Brodhead Park for our Flock Picnic?

From CBC:
Turn RIGHT off of 3-Point Garden Rd. onto Rt. 447
At the intersection (Wendy's on RIGHT) turn RIGHT to continue on Rt. 447
Continue on RT. 447 for a few miles until the light at Rt. 191
Turn LEFT onto Rt. 191
Look for sign reading, "Brodhead Park" on LEFT.

It is pegged with the "A" marker on the map below:
(You might need to click on the, "view larger map" link and drag the map a bit to find the "A")

View Larger Map

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Change in Plans!

Please note that the date and location of the Church Family BBQ have changed.

We will be enjoying an evening at the Brodhead Park in Stroudsburg from 5-8 PM on July 31st. CBC will be providing hotdogs and hamburgers. Attending families are asked to bring along side dishes and desserts to share. We hope to see you all there!

Sign up, invite your neighbors and come on out for a time of food, fun and fellowship in the Lord.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Let's Recommend a Library of Resources!

A great website from which you can order almost any Christian resource is:

The Bible is always the best resource! Here are a few that might help even younger children understand God's truths...
* This is a complete Bible, in an excellent version for children!
The Adventure Bible

order online

* This "Bible" is more of a collection of Bible stories, but includes illustrations and supplemental discussion questions and applications.
One-Year Bible for Children

order online

Here are a few other books that make for a terrific family devotional time:
A Faith to Grow On
by John MacArthur
* Bible doctrines in a kid-friendly format.

order online

God's Wisdom for Little Boys
by Jim & Elizabeth George
* Study one character trait per day. Sweet artwork, poems and Bible verses make this a favorite for little guys.

order online
If you are blessed with daughters...

order online
Pilgrim's Progress
by John Bunyan; updated text by Judith E. Markham; notes by Warren Wiersby
* A Christian classic. A MUST-READ at some point in every Christian family's life!

order online

This is NOT a devotional book, but is a great resource for Dads and Moms as we seek to commit ourselves to the discipleship of our children:
Family Driven Faith
Voddie Baucham

Check out the product description and customer reviews!

Please add your resource recommendations to this list. I know of a few families who are anticipating the input. If you need help in posting, I can help you.

Voddie and Bridget Baucham Video

We are so sorry that the technical difficulties on Friday made it difficult for many to hear this terrific video.  We wanted you to have the opportunity to view it again at your leisure... at a better volume :).  It is only 14 minutes long, and is well-worth another viewing.

Shhh.... here's an inside scoop!

Ok, to reward those of you who periodically check the blog, we have decided to post something to help out your team tonight. You will be searching for 4 clues tonight... one leading you to the next. The clues are found in passages of Scripture. At the end of the 4 clues you will have a FINAL CHALLENGE card. We have decided to post the final challenge on the blog so that those of you who are checking in right now will have a slight advantage.

"Find a passage of Scripture that contains the word, "Treasure".

So, since you are on a computer, "google" it! Come prepared with your challenge answer. That should save your team a good 5-10 minutes!

See you tonight!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Scripture Treasure Hunt

We hope that you will all join us once again for a family-integrated evening of instruction, discussion... and fun! Let's search God's Word for His direction in establishing family devotions...then search high and low for items that will win points for our teams in a challenging Scripture Treasure Hunt.

Many from our chuch family (and others) have enjoyed our family nights in March and April. Here's an idea: invite someone who has not yet come out to join you! But whatever you do, don't miss out on this family-building time as we grow together as God's family, while building up our own families in Him.

NOTE: There will be no Family Night in June. All are encouraged to volunteer to serve in Vacation Bible School. :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Many hands made light work!

We did it! Nearly one hundred bags prepped and ready to bless our local community. And in the process, we too were blessed. That is the beauty of service to our Wonderful Lord... that we could stand to gain anything considering our lowliness before Him is amazing.

The devotional that Pr. Lee shared was heartfelt and biblically sound. The discussion time was a great blessing to all. How neat it was to have young and "older" alike sharing wisdom from God's Word and from their own walk with the Lord.

Thank you again, CBC family. The Lord is at work in our midst. Plan on coming again next month... and invite someone who has not yet come out! :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

What is the Bread of Life Distribution all about?

This month, our emphasis is on service... both on serving and in training the next generation to serve. What better way is there for us to learn about service than by actually SERVING?

On Friday, we will have our time of elder instruction and discussion. Then we will enjoy refreshments and fellowship as we put together gift bags for members of our community. We will also pray for those who will be receiving the packets... that God would perform His mighty acts through our meager acts of service.

What is in these packets?
A yummy loaf of bread, an attractive invitation to our church, a tract with the Gospel message, and a letter from Pastor introducing them to Jesus, our Bread of Life.

Who will receive them?
Select residential streets in close proximity to the church have been selected for the sake of ease in distributing them. However, if you would like to take some for your neighbors, you have that option.

Are we going to try to try to convince the recipients to come to our church?
No. That is going to be God's work. We are simply going to give them a gift from Calvary with no strings attached. We hope that the items in the packet would draw seekers to our church, but it is not our purpose to engage people in lengthy conversation or convince them of anything.

Are children welcome to join us on the distribution day?
YES! This is terrific practice for them to see just how simple outreach can be. They will witness an invitation, a gift, a word... and the thrill of watching God do His work through clay vessels.

We really want to participate but won't be available on Saturday from 3-4:30.
That is ok! Let us know and you can pick up the number of packets you would like to deliver at your convenience that weekend. Just do so by Sunday as we want the bread to be fresh and yummy!

Please RSVP soon if you have not signed up. We are in the process of ordering all supplies. You can email us or sign up at church in the foyer. See you Friday!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Discussion Continues:

Ok, so we had a great time last weekend discussing how God has a great model after which the Christian family should pattern itself. You all joined in to express how there are terrific blessings that come by living in obedience to the Lord's ways, and sadly, tremendous sorrow when we get off course. We also established that it is so easy to get off course. Selfishness and busyness can really ruin our families quite rapidly if we leave them unchecked.

So what advice do you have for the family who is going off course? What if it feels to them that there is simply no way of return? They WANT what is right, but are convinced that there is just no rectifying their situation. Please comment...

(See the "Posting a Comment" post below if you are unsure how to post a comment to this blog.)

Post a Comment!

We would like to walk you through the process of commenting so that we can hear your input, questions and comments that you wish to post to the blog. Here is how you post a comment:

1. Click on the word, "comments". The number before this word reflects the number of people who have also added a comment before you.

2. You will see a box below the phrase, "post a comment". Write your comment in that box.

3. Below, you will see the words, "Comment as". Next to the words, "Select profile", you must click on the little arrow to see your options. Choose the one that says, "Name/URL".

4. Type your name in the top box. You can leave the URL box empty.

5. Click on the "continue" tab.

6. If you are happy with your comment, click on the "Post Comment" tab. That's it! Your comment will be posted to the blog. :)

Happy posting!

Friday, March 27, 2009

What a terrific evening!

Thank you to all from our CBC family (and those visiting with us) for such an enjoyable time of study from God's Word, meaningful discussion, delicious snacks, and a fun time of hearty game competition. The smiles and outbursts of laughter really said it all. The Lord is to be praised for His work among and in each of us.

Take a moment and post a comment about what you enjoyed or what you would like to see more of (or changed) for our next event.

We will be counting down to our next Family Discipleship Ministry event with great anticipation. :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our First Family Night!

It is with GREAT anticipation that we look forward to our first CBC Family Night on March 27th from 7-9 PM! Mark your calendars and keep your family available to participate in this family-building event. Sign up in the foyer so that we know exactly how many to expect (and where to set up!). We hope that you and your family will come out, bring a neighbor or friend and your favorite snack and/or game to share with the crowd. Pastor Chris is the elder who will be presenting our instructional time this month. We will be discussing the biblical role of family members and look forward to input from all who attend. Following the discussion time, we will enjoy a super-sized church family game night where we hope to see plenty of competition and FUN!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Welcome to the Family Discipleship Ministry Blog!

This is our little place on the web where we can post questions, discussions, comments, links and prayer requests. We hope that this blog will be a terrific tool as we seek to unite our families for God's glory.